用艺术的力量 际华春秋赈灾义拍

用艺术的力量 际华春秋赈灾义拍

用艺术的力量 际华春秋赈灾义拍

时间:2008-05-20 11:19:54 来源:卓克艺术网

资讯 >用艺术的力量 际华春秋赈灾义拍

Save Sufferers From Earthquake & Deliver Love By Art
Charity Auction Of
Beijing Ji Hua Chun Qiu Auction Co., Ltd
Severe earthquake of 7.8 grade happened to Wen Chuan County, Si Chuan Province, on May 12th, 2008, 14: 28, which shocked all Chinese of both inland and oversea.
Beijing Ji Hua Chun Qiu Auction Co., Ltd initiates a large-scale charity activity, which is named as “Save Sufferers From Earthquake & Deliver Love By Art---Charity Auction of Chinese Oil Painting”, and after which all auction transaction fees will be devoted to earthquake affected regions of Si Chuan Province, and China Oil Painting Association dedicates to this charity activity grand support and active participation.
Artworks of Korea people’s artists and merited artists are also contributed specially for supporting this significant activity by Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Embassy in China with special commission of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Paekho Trading Corperation, which conveys the love and care for Chinese people from Korea artists and the profound friendship between China and Korea.
Let us deliver artists’ pure love to our flesh and blood compatriots;
Let whole world know art spirit and character by artworks.
Chinese artist’s backbone is as strong as mountains and cannot be shaken.
“Save Sufferers From Earthquake & Deliver Love By Art---Charity Auction of Chinese Oil Painting” will be held on May 28th, 2008, at Beijing Asia Hotel.
Charity Auction Section of Beijing Ji Hua Chun Qiu Auction Co., Ltd has been established to contact the art collection organizations and individuals of Hong Kong, Tai Wan, Macao and southeast Asia. All auction transaction payment and commissions will be devoted to the government of earthquake affected regions for establishing a school and other charity activities, such as book purchase and art lectures for students, etc. Children’s pursuit for art will be praised and encouraged fully.
Support of art collection organizations and individuals are needed deadly. Thanks for your consideration and active participation. Please contact Charity Auction Section of Beijing Ji Hua Chun Qiu Auction Co., Ltd on 010-87702829. E-mail: chunqiupaimai@sina.com.
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