


时间:2008-09-27 11:24:46 来源:卓克艺术网 石巍

评论 >骨感:一种暧昧与梦魇的个人立场

2007-6-29 广州
"The Skinny Beautiful Woman": The individual standpoint
about ambiguousness and nightmare
------ Comprehending Shi Wei’s Oil Paintings
                 Written by Yang xiaoyan
To describe the image of the female body has not only embodied one kind of authority,
expressed the male’s unusual imagination between reality and illusion,but also has disclosed the artist individual impulse in his heart of hearts and the influential factors in process of his growth . When I at first watched Shi Wei's oil painting---- these "the skinny beautiful women"deformed by aninvisible zoom lens, I suddenly have a kind of premonition that the artist appraises himself through the female more than he pays close attention to the female.
The angle of watching sex is an important content during the development of human
social ideology , and it always relates to a succession of words about sex.. I even suspect the sex growth itself is the way of writing history, its goal is to let the content which can not duplicate forever diverges easily in the public words. For this reason, on the one hand, I can understand the feminist’s anger specially, because, in their eyes, the historical writing is too virile, which has not left the reasonable space to the female. On the other hand, I understood that the feminist’s anger can not have any more positive result, because the sex embodies all the individual body deeply,
just like gene , some habitudes in ancient times pass on from one generation to the new, which lets people could not escape.
    Probably Shi Wei is one of the new people who could not escape , otherwise I can not explain why he pays attention to the female so much.. It is interesting that he merely pays attention to one kind of image of the female body, called "the skinny beautiful woman " . If we retrieve the history, we can find that people always praise the fat woman whether in China or the foreign . This is possible related with reproduction worship in the early time . We know, whether the demand of  reproduction or desire, sex appeal is always connected with the fat  body .However,with the development of moderniistic common custom, one kind of the opposite interest gradually spread.At first people don’t like to be fat so that losing weight has become the most remarkable and most daily scenery line in the world, the product for losing weight has overwhelmed on television advertisement column, and this product has also placed in the display window and the counter in many large-scale department stores. And what is more, the young people adore the neuter. In addition, the fashionable clothing showing every year has not only guided the fashion development, the models walking on T-stage, their stature and face,their makeup and expression have become the topic which the younger generation surrounded by common custom loves to talk about. Under this atmosphere, it is not at all surprising that "the skinny" just like the clothes rack can become one kind of important and new value about the female .
    Certainly, I believe the reason why Shi Wei is interested in"the skinny"so much is possibly related to the individual motive. In fact, many artists' unusual styles are related to the public custom, but they are more related to the artists' individual and unique impulse. I am unable to find out many details about Shi Wei's childhood life,but I believe that when he grew up, some kind of feminine factor has played the secret role,and influenced him. Therefore, I always think in his eye, the female is not the female completely, but the mirror image during his self- growth. When these skinny beautiful women make the posture , Shi Wei saw actually one kind of entangled mood. In his eye, one kind of tenseness unable to define has filled the air in growth, thus let the sexy itself also change ambiguous.
    In my opinion, ambiguousness is exactly the object which Shi Wei wants to express, but the skinny is only one kind of external need and decorating and camouflage to the passion. When the beautiful women in his painting make all sorts of arrogant and bashful movements, when they stare at the audience, their eyesight shows not only the challenge, some yearning for, but also the ambiguousness and the hesitation unable to be said clear. They are bold, but they also cover up something; they are open, but that is a kind of the typical posture which they confirm the open cannot bring any injury to them. They are one kind of contradiction,tangling with the self-admiration desire and self-matching desire. But all these also constitute counter- reality nightmare, which is extending and existing, expressed through artist's brushwork, through it Shi Wei expresses the sex appeal, simultaneously it is also the excuse which the artist conveys his opinion.
In this sense, the skinny manifests not only fashion,but also one kind of standpoint--- purely individual standpoint with ambiguousness and nightmare which the artist is unable to escape but wants to ,and is difficul to describe in writing.
                                      June 29,2007, 
in  Guangzhou
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