


时间:2009-04-06 16:26:49 来源:

评论 >欲望花园

人情的冷漠,使我们在社会中穿上了厚厚的铠甲,身处闹市却异常孤独。“孤独意识”是当代人的心理特征,与其说是人与客观对象之间的距离扩大,不如说是在精神、在人和人之间的交流方面出现了最明显的离心形式。城市的喧嚣和各种压力束缚着人们心中的真实,也迫使人们把解脱当成一种向往。心灵由于金钱的强势牵扯,已经很难能对真正的精神价值作出切实的判断。"现代感觉"终于在金钱支配的大城市中树立起来,它在推动现代人去涉猎私人权力和私秘空间当中,使我们更加得寂寞和孤独。“ 诗意的栖居 ”成了当代社会不可及的奢望,人类的精神家园消失了。
“欲望花园”系列是我对人类精神家园 的审视,面对忙碌人生,我们很难离开闹事去山野园林享受独善其身的孤寂生活,人类的命运完全与我们的生活现实与社会中的政治权利紧紧联系在一起,人作为代表着各种欲望的生命符号,人的生存、工作,及生活的方式好像被不可预知的力量所支配,社会的快速进步使人情冷漠、战争频发,能源危机、环境恶化等问题进一步困扰着我们,理想与现实越来越远。社会的发展并没有使人性更加的崇高,原始的情欲使人们忙碌于网友的约会、一夜情及各种娱乐场所的高歌云雨,思想的饥渴和走向情欲的"震撼",使得一切崇高话语在当代人的神经的高度敏感和麻木无感情的两极间很难再度兴奋起来,"欲望"的产生使人们早以忘记了传统的伦理道德和审美规范。
The Garden of Desire
Dai Zengjun
All my works include a color of idealism. I always devote them to the theme of noticing the relationship between human and nature and the basic instinct and desire for existence.
Addicting ourselves in an unpredictable and rapidly developing world, we are confusedly surrounded by many kinds of cultures, because of thousands of high-developed information. Squeezed by those different kinds of couture, it is impossible for us to check them all or adopt them all. Meanwhile we can not escape from or fight against the environment, as it is not only the necessary stage of human evolution but also the necessity for living.  Contemporary people have lost the harmonious stage between man and nature, between the current self and the traditional self. They reposition themselves as “ego”. The feature of human is not abstract form any more but the living body filled with sexual desire and modern feelings.
Stoniness of human makes us feel quite lonely in the noisy world, just like wearing thick corselet. The sense of loneliness is a psychological feature of contemporary people. It is not because of the distance between people and other objects, but the eccentric form of communication exiting between human beings. The noisy city and all kinds of pressure restrain the true idea of people, and they also force people consider release as a fantasy. Led by the strong desire for dollars, we can not make judgment justly towards the true spiritual values. The modern feeling is set up at last in this money-oriented world, this promotes people hunt for more and more private room and special rights, at last makes us get lonely.  Poetic life becomes a luxurious idea because of the disappearance of the spiritual garden of human.
As the main body of desire, the physical body experiences apartness, gloominess, pressure and edged emotional feelings, which we never met before. So the physical body of contemporary human keeps dynamically moving because of the gap between heart and system, and between sense and society. Then it is the center of the aesthetic taste and the medium to regard the apartness between soul and body and spiritual gaming.
This series of painting works o The Garden of Desire are originated from the thinking to humans spiritual garden. Confronting the busy life we hardly can escape from it and enjoy ourselves in the wild field lonely. Twisted in the contract political rights and realistic chaos, man becomes a symbol of all sorts of desires. The rapid developing society makes us become stony, so we are disturbed by many problems such as wars break out, energetic crisis and environmental pollution. The distance between the ideal and the reality becomes more remote. The development of society doesn’t promote the evolution of human beings. In contrary the primary libido lead us to on line dating and one-night love, which make us spiritually hungry and sexually shocked.  All the lofting topics can not make us feel exited, as we have became numbly. Desire makes us forget the traditional ethics and aesthetic criteria.
So I choose the clipped dual-information in this work to transmitting the feeling towards the conflict between false and true, ideal and reality. The intervening of natural objects and cultural elements shows the theme of my picture— “the true idea in heart, the false situation in reality”.
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