2009 Shanghai Non-Mainstream/Uncommon/Popular Art Exhibition Opens at 1933

2009 Shanghai Non-Mainstream/Uncommon/Popular Art Exhibition Opens at 1933

2009 Shanghai Non-Mainstream/Uncommon/Popular Art Exhibition Opens at 1933

时间:2009-07-21 10:33:29 来源:Hjenglish.com

>2009 Shanghai Non-Mainstream/Uncommon/Popular Art Exhibition Opens at 1933

2009 Shanghai Non-Mainstream/Uncommon/Popular Art Exhibition Opens at 1933

  The 2009 Shanghai Non-Mainstream/Uncommon/Popular Art Exhibition held by artist Beishi Han, curator Ying Ying and co-curator also editor-in-chief of YesHJ.com, Steven An, was solemnly opened at Shanghai 1933 around 2 pm, April 25th. The drinks and the dim sum are provided by Rio, a local premix drink brand and Croissant de France respectively for the opening party.

 Under the theme of Non-Mainstream/Uncommon/Popular, this art exhibition has attracted dozens of promising artists from China, Japan, Australia etc.. They are Beishi Han, Sen Lin, Weiting Chang, Niao Hua, Cuiling Lu, Daowang Qiu, Russell, Weiyang Shen, Liang Tang, Juan Tu, Dazhi Wang, Jinbei Wu, Xiaobei Xuan, Ping Yu, Moony Zhong, Lianhua Zhou, Minghua Zhu, to name just a few, who keep themselves away from the messy and rustling and bustling art “Secularity.”

  The venue provider 1933 will have their first floor available for the exhibition till May 8th, as a tribute the charity event. People can take the opportunity to admire new and high-quality arts. Apart from its artistic focus on ‘Non-Mainstream’, the show will demonstrate to the public the painting album with the delicate layout of the artists’ works. Any money generated by selling those albums will be donated to the Sunrise Library for helping to build primary school libraries in the rural areas.

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