


时间:2009-07-31 11:06:41 来源:

评论 >细胞在哮喘中上腾下跳

走进高风在北京的画室,突然感到一阵紧张与窒息。其实,他的画室颇有条理,墙上靠着一溜尺幅巨大的作品,内容是对古代经典名作的改画。我远远一看,觉得确有雅致在其中弥漫。可是,稍微端详,便发现那是一场货真价实的视觉骗局,一场关于经典与自我之关系的奇特反语。之后,我开始感到了一种对立,一种对陌生者初来乍到时所产生的内在挤压。  于是,紧张与窒息就升腾起来,挡都挡它不住。














Dynamic Asthmatic Cells – the continuously spastic self and traditional classics under Gao Feng’s brush
Yang Xiaoyan

Walking into Gao Feng’s Beijing studio, a sudden tension and suffocation rushed over me. Although his studio appeared to be quite neat, a row of paintings in large dimensions re-appropriating ancient classical masterpieces were lined up against the wall. From afar, they seemed to be dispersive of elegance throughout the room. However, as I gazed at them, I realized that they were true visual deceptions, a unique sarcasm between the classics and the self. At that moment, I felt a sense of opposition, a kind of internal impression for beginners. Soon, the tension and suffocation elevated in an irresistible manner.

This is precisely the bewildering impression of Zhou Xingchi’s meaninglessness satires.

Looking at Gao Feng’s artistic experiences, I have separated his works into three general categories. The first is his performance art, and the second is his works on canvas revolving around the self, and the third is his modified classical paintings I saw in his studio, which can also be considered works on canvas. Combining these three bodies of work, we can see his continuous portrayal of cells.

In a corner of Gao Feng’s studio, some of his earlier works are hung, large and small, like synthetic end-products, the content of which is magnified images of the cell done in pencil, water color, or with brushes. They look like drawings, or even like notes taken as the artist observed the cells. I sensed the emotions Gao projected into this work, as well as his continuous, physical, his disguised and his natural fear. 
It began by observing, which gradually became insufficient, and then it became necessary to digest, but that also became insufficient, for as it spread, it began to replicate and clone itself in multiplicity, growing exponentially. Then it was in a state of panic and mitosis, replaced by extending to the distant classicism. I believe this was Gao Feng’s journey, a process of growth for an object, a biological growth that began, split, became conflicted, resolved itself and then split, became conflicted and resolved itself again until it departed from its individual territory and ventured towards the distant unknown. Then, growth became meaningless, with traces of formality kept while the actual object became non-human, outshining the humanity that was originally closely related to it. 
In the process of observation, Gao Feng has certain biological features. He observes and portrays different types of cells, including fluids related to the cells. Without any professional background, most people wouldn’t be able to see the difference in these cells and fluids, although once they are placed under the artist’s “microscope” the difference between them becomes apparent. I would imagine, it is this unknown that inspired Gao Feng’s creative passion, allowing him to transform the abstract into reality, into distinguishable “artworks.” Thereupon, Gao Feng tapped into performance art by completely numbing his skin to experience the slippery feeling between the cell and its fluids. It is an internalized sexual sensation, as powerful as the physical sensation that becomes a type of strength that excretes unstoppable body fluids. To this level, performance art is not visually pleasing, but is to be experienced with the physical body. 
At that split moment, I was reminded of a strange book called War of Semen, a volume unveiling the socio-biological conflicts between men and women. The writer uses an absurd yet asexual and objective approach to portray how men and women express their physical will while concealing their emotions. In this volume, the true fighter is not the male as we might have imagined, but female. Females use their tenderness - unforeseen by men - to overcome the classifications of society that are dominated by men. I am uncertain whether Gao Feng has also read this book. Most artists’ creativity is based on their instincts, and I am not a believer in the passé concepts of persuading artists to read in order to reflect one’s command of knowledge through his artistic creativity. I even believe that bookish knowledge can hinder one’s instincts, making art a rootless plant or sourceless water.
I don’t think Gao Feng worked with performance art for long, but he soon returned to works on canvas, exploring the travels and variations of the cells in two-dimensions. This was when he condensed cells into symbols of his senses, hollow, swallowing, or amalgamating.
He began with a series of portraiture. This series of self-portraits somewhat resembles the thumb stickers that are popular among young people. They did not have any facial organs, but appeared hollow, devouring, like merged holes of flesh, with the flesh dissolving into its surroundings.
This “surrounding” was where Gao lived, a place like Beijing.
In other words, Gao Feng has always been imagining the journey of life and its dissolution. It began with “pets,” then his “blue life” series, an imagination of the possible sexuality of cells, and then his “biological life” series involved himself in the experience of the loneliness of transformation. Lastly, and most recently, Gao Feng’s “biology” was directed toward the ancient classics, and using the “hollow” and “dissolving” to dissect the glory of the visual culture of the past.
 “Biological life,” “Magical series,” and “The Last Life of Archeological Beings” contrast with each other, expressing Gao Feng’s visual understanding of the relationship between life and history. “Magic” is his sarcastic commentary on the world at present, whereas “The Last Life of Archeological Beings” is a trial of the classics, combining the two together in order to allow lives that believed in dignity to return to their origin – a cellular random travel met with the unrestrained celebration of reproduction and the replication of life, which coincidentally corresponds to scrutiny of the kitsch and random commentary of today’s popular cynicism. As a result, under Gao Feng’s brush, the making of life is like the lowly yet unrestrained travel of sperm, born with stamina, jumping up and down, traveling toward the contemporary spastically, toward the past. Whereas Gao Feng is standing in the mist of this random spasm, quietly searching for the unattained answers, answers about the lives of cells, answers about the loss and rebirth of life. Perhaps, the answer will never come; perhaps, there is no answer for it to start with. Nevertheless, Gao Feng waits, with the patience that age does not allow, waiting for the outcome of predestined a inconsequence.

June 13, 2008
Zhongshan University, Guangzhou

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