


时间:2009-08-31 16:51:33 来源:

评论 >神游在抽象和具象之间

                                               杨 重 光
Tour between imagination and abstract
I with Dehong the understanding has already had a quite a few year, but if real acquaintanceship is perhaps still in his studio.
In the reality of virtuous and great we who also not quite clear, be like to get up to see in mirror in the morning would suddenly astonished detection the incognizant oneself is similar.He often is tour by imagination in the reality and fantasy;Deceitful with reality;Work properly with the meat;Clear and misty;Abstract and have of the elephant.Positive if I walk into his studio, signing a horse is soaked through inside by him of delicate with tie up to impress with, his big man of in the layer wrap up one small show female, all in his scenery of of realistic trace, those city walls and village give up;The countryside and mountain;BE all wiped a daubery by his hard iterative wrinkle, he is like a worker's similar dozen to whet this scenery painting.Those rains and winds of more than 20 in the last yearseses fall off is brilliant with sunlight of day;Those are beaming with smiles with the day of the tears;Have the elephant style to deduce one first interesting and hazy poem from the strong adornment.He no longer ties down by one brick one tile,one grass a wood copy , but the more macroscopic confidence and the performance of the abstraction.In the subconscious, he even likes misty appearance, liking a dim moonlight.Positive if he is frightened the image(or himself) of the reality, will re-appear on the canvas.Hence he the overlap overlays to keep on the painting to attain misty appearance, just give up.He keeps distance feeling with reality always on the spirit.The virtuous and great oil painting has the romance parties the elegant appearance of poet LI3 BAI2, elephant with wear a strong white spirit daubery of pure to write freely.His recent work also has more abstract performance representative's person of[with] doctrine, the modernism hero of the American type virtuous database wood, use a roughly abstract calligraphy sort of the of the style of drawing and tension to hold and depict the spirit of the landscape.We depend on sparse write from the abstraction of these lousy medium the feeling  arrive reality of the city wall village give up,the dream of the plant, he minutes down nature inner part of deeply the  with sigh.It is general to the intonation and the song of the nature in her verse just like American modern poet, leaf 芝 ,.I like the motion that the virtuous and great tone Mid-Autumn am for day.I think the art of[with] abstract doctrine am the judgment to the realistic world and again sublimate of the spirit.What they present isn't a natural idea, but natural soul.They not is technical performance but is emphasize spirit to create again nature.( the second nature)This is also God to give the most precious gift in mankind.We face nature to be not any more to observe and express it with eyes and hand, but use the soul and heart to the feeling with present it.This is the essence of the art creation.Was DE HONG's a fine turn of the art creations and the season …… of the results doubtless in 2005
When I flow to drip along with the thoughts and feelings thus, thinking and writing of time, outside of snow has already become the white to package in this world silently, seem to be namely fine and mysterious.The village head is an unknown wild dog, feeling an extreme perplexity for the world of this white, barking wildly sad and shrillly.It cause just some little cold with tremor.I think to be virtuous and great at this time to have already gone into dreamland perhaps, rounding to sit with friends to drink small wine together in this world of aly not well-knownly of the warmth of the cabin perhaps, continuing to present to public a yesterday a dynasty that interesting and horrifying"modern play" that ends never.
                                               CHONG GUANG YANG
                                          In 2005 February 20th
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