杜平让“Power of Life”2009展

杜平让“Power of Life”2009展

杜平让“Power of Life”2009展

时间:2009-11-18 18:54:10 来源:三度半艺术空间

>杜平让“Power of Life”2009展

杜平让Power of Life”2009

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Du Pingrang is considered one of the best and most important Chinese artists of his generation in China. His paintings have won many important awards. They are collected by national museums and auctioned at the most prestigious auction houses in China.

The plants and flowers in his paintings are much more lifelike with exuberant colors and thriving postures. Many years of reading of books by ancient Chinese sages and his long practice of Chinese meditation also give his paintings an aura of mystery with profound philosophical contemplations.

Artworks of Du Pingrang will take you to a world of pure beauty, exuberance, mystique and peace. His paintings are much like a symphony. In symphony, the sound, rhythm and melody come together and become one, harmonically. When people look at Du Pingrang’s paintings, they feel a sense of peace and tranquility. It is vibrant and full of vigor and energy but peaceful at the same time. Nothing is out of order or chaotic in his painting. It is soothing to the eyes as well as to the soul. That must be it: harmony. Peace and harmony are things that we can’t fake.

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