


时间:2010-06-11 14:16:32 来源:


Du Xia 杜峡

1. Why have you chosen art as a career? Is there any motive for your being an artist?

    I did not choose. Nor did I have motive, noble or vulgar.

    From a very young age I grew fond of drawing on floors, walls, scrap papers and anywhere that I could draw on. I received a lot of scolding and even insults from teachers, parents and neighbours. Over the years, there were times when I lost my passion for art. I had doubts, and so I stopped. There were also times when I attempted other careers, but none of them could make me happy. One day, all of a sudden, I stood up from the sofa in front of the TV, and said: Paint! Go and bring your dream back! And I became happy again. What’s more, this sort of happiness made me unable to stop. I’m not a man who is good at planning things. If there was anything that led me to make the choice, it would have been God.

1. 您为什么选择艺术行业?您从事艺术创造有任何动机吗?

2. Has any significant event in your life impacted upon your work?

    No particular event has had any significant impact on my creative work. Although I was ardently and actively involved in the political incident of June 1989, for which my life has been seriously affected, my artistic styles in fact had begun to take shape prior to that – when I was still a student at the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. “Du Xia could be called the ‘foreman’ of our class, constantly painting huge iron hammers and workers who looked like they were carrying out a revolution.” (Zhang Xiaogang).

    As a child, I lived in a community built around a large state-owned munition factory. That environment and those experiences probably had a decisive impact on my world view, which directly determines my artistic thinking. On one occasion my father was almost arrested, the reason being his comments on certain political issues which he should never have made. Because of this incident, our whole family lived in fear for months.


2. 在您的人生经历中,有没有什么重要的事件影响了您的艺术创作?


3. Please list the materials you use and the mediums in which you work, and explain the reasons for your choices.

    I only work with oil paintings. I’ve never tried any other medium, not even acrylics. I’m a very conservative man. I don’t like fiddling with new tricks. Painting enables me to express myself very well, and that is sufficient.

3. 请您列出所使用的创作体裁,并解释您使用这些体裁的原因。


4. Would you cater for any particular audience through your work, for example, Chinese audience or the Western world?

    Yes, I would. I don’t care about the nationality of my audience. I’m happy as long as they enjoy my works. But I only create using my methods and in ways that I see fit.

4. 您的作品会为特定的观众群体创作吗,比如为某些中国观众或外国观众创作?


5. Do you feel that your art needs any explanation?

    I used to feel that it does, but no longer think so now. On quite a few occasions, some friends of mine – they were not well educated, even less have they been informed about contemporary art – came to my home and saw some paintings. Surprisingly they all gave the “correct” interpretations about these works, that is, they were the exact feelings I had wanted to convey through the works!


5. 您觉得您的作品需要解释才能被观众理解吗?


6. Has Western art influenced your style?

    Its impact is enormous! Western art is so important and magnificent! Few Chinese people would blatantly admit their worship of Western civilisation they way I do!

6. 西方艺术对您的艺术风格是否有影响?


7. How has China’s changing political and economic situation affected your work?

    This would not have any effect on my artistic creation. I don’t like to pay attention to “China’s problems”.

    Indeed, China’s political and economic situation is changing continuously. I would encourage Chinese government to keep developing. Improvements in the political situation may end artists’ status as “underground workers”. Improvements in the economic situation may give artists more opportunities to create and not having to worry about survival.

7. 当今中国的经济和政治形势在不停的变化之中,您可否谈谈,这对您的艺术创作会有什么样的影响?



8. Has political censorship restricted your artistic creation?

    They have, but did not succeed!

    In October 1993, a work of mine was selected for the Chinese Oil Painting Biennale (the National Art Museum of China, Beijing). An official from the Ministry of Culture found my painting and demanded the curator to disqualify it from the show. In the end, the curator took a huge risk and stealthily put up my work. They had no choice but to disqualify me from being awarded the “Academy Award” which I was supposed to win. That painting was the same as my present works in that it had no explicit political tendentiousness. But that official who had never learned about contemporary art still understood the painting’s implications, which once again proved that my works can be understood by the audience without any explanation, whether or not they are artistically trained.

    I thank both the curator and the official from the Ministry of Culture. They both understood my work and each reacted in a way that was appropriate for him: One loved it; the other hated it.

8. 政治监督有没有约束了您的艺术创作?




9. What is the importance of communication and interaction with other Chinese artists to you?

    Discovery, affirmation, correction, and to keep my place in the artistic circle.

9. 对您来说,同中国其他艺术家进行交流与互动的重要性是什么?


10. Do you feel that traditional artistic mediums such as painting, are losing their appeal as technology-based mediums flood the contemporary art scene?

    Oil painting will never lose its appeal! It’s like how some people love the taste of coffee. To them, coffee will not be any less appealing just because there are other beverages available to choose from. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. There are as many brands and types in today’s beverages market as there are hairs on an ox. But sales figures of coffee have reached an unprecedented height! Similarly, the number of paintings sold globally today is also unprecedented.

10. 您认为在当今的艺术环境里,由于科技技术材料在当代艺术创作中的广泛使用,传统的艺术体裁创作,比如油画,是否会缺乏吸引力?


11. Are there differences between Chinese contemporary art and contemporary art of other regions in the world?

    There are differences. This is a pretty complex topic and I’m not good at giving panorama-like descriptions. China is a country experiencing exceedingly rapid changes, which cause huge generation gaps, making it difficult for people of different generations to understand one another. I will confine my answer to those of my generation only. Chinese contemporary artists are more willing to undertake a certain sort of historical mission – at least they fantasize about such a mission. It is their glory and dream. On the other hand, contemporary artists from the rest of the world tend to spend a lot of their energy on experimenting with new mediums, new technologies or some other weird concepts. Chinese art is heavy and serious. Western art is too light-hearted. I’ve seen a little of contemporary art from other regions but was not interested in getting a deeper understanding about them. The difference is of course a result of the differences in socio-political backgrounds and the environment in which one is brought up in.

11. 您认为,中国当代艺术和世界其它地区的当代艺术有没有什么不同?是什么造成了这种不同?


12. There is a general misconception by those who are not familiar with Chinese contemporary art, that Chinese artworks appear distinctly “Chinese”. Is there an element of truth or rationality to this, i.e. is Chinese contemporary art indeed easily recognised?

    I don’t like the concept of “Chinese-ness”. It does indeed exist. The majority of Chinese artists want to put up the mask of “Chinese-ness” in order to make their works easier for Westerners to recognise and easier to sell. I prefer to believe that art has no geographic boundaries. Art is about human beings. It is not about any particular country or any particular political system. It could be that a country’s socio-political problems just happen to be more easily utilised to reflect the problem of mankind’s living conditions. But at the end of the day art is still about humanity. Social issues are only subject matters. They are superficial phenomena, and not substance. I’d rather pay attention to the question of whether my art is able to touch the audience’s heart and soul, than worrying about whether it is distinctly “Chinese”.

    If an American artist did some work, could you complain about his art being too Chinese or too Japanese? No, you couldn’t. This is not the standard for assessing the quality of an artwork!

    If a Chinese artist did some work, could you complain about his art being too American or too Western? Yes, you could. That is the standard for determining whether this work is good or bad!

    Chinese art is the one most likely to rouse such complaints. Chinese artists, critics and the art market are also doing all they can in a conspiracy to maintain this so-called “Chinese-ness”, because it is easily recognisable to Westerners, and the capital for the art market just so happens to be in the West.

12. 对中国当代艺术知之甚少的人对它有一个误解:认为这些作品看上去非常的“中国化”。您觉得这种理解是否真实,是否有一定合理性,例如中国当代艺术是否很容易被辨认?





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