


时间:2011-12-03 10:35:09 来源:




        Wu Jian's urban Landscape of  Garbage
        Wu jian's paintings are usually regarded as either Western-style abstressionist paintings or Chinese
literati paintings in the guise of oil paintings.Since the mid-1990s,Wu Jian has been producing expres-
sionist paintings with obvious traces of the style of Bada Shanren.But Wu Jian has no intention of the
Ming and Qing dynasties or the abstract expressionist style ,nor does he consciously  seek self-expre-
ssion.Actually,his paintings focus on  urban subjects and result from his own feelings about the current
environment. The landscape forms in his paintings are based on the garbage dumps found around the
city.The diversity and "richness"of the materials in the piles of garbage have stirred his desire to be exp-
ressive.He sees gabage as the result of human activity and the vestiges of human consumption.From
this,he extracts a sense of desolation ,bsrenness,and lack of restraint.His paintings may brim with the
expressionit style characteristic of literati in the Yuan,Ming,Qing periods,but his point of departure has no-
thing to do with these earlier painters.His work bears no trace of their pastoral preoccupations,no does
it have much connection to the literati desire fo transcendence - let alone to that of Western abstract expr-
  Wu jian's emotions comes entirely from the daily experience of a contemporary urban resident.He regards
consumer goods as human and embraces them with a  sense of humanity and a materiality based on
the alienation of uban residents,which accounts for the cynicism in his works.Such cynicism is not a criticism
of certain groups of people but rather an indictment of the entire human race.It reflects the conflict between
people and their living space.What's more,the criticism is expessed in a  humble and quiet aesthetic way.
From this perspective,Wu Jian's paintings are traditional and quite the opposite of the blunter methods of
social expression influenced by postmodernism,either by making fun of the world or by approaching it with
a cynical attitude .His approach is closer to the aesthetic expression of histoical literati.The social and conte-
emporary content of  Wu Jian's paintings is thus disguised by its "traditional" and "modern expressionist"
forms.Such a contradiction is also evident in the artist's personality.Wu Jian is a carefree young artist at peace
with the world,who also has inexhaustible passion. 

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