Dark Sky&Yellow Earth——Shen Qibing

Dark Sky&Yellow Earth——Shen Qibing

Dark Sky&Yellow Earth——Shen Qibing

时间:2011-12-17 11:28:47 来源:

>Dark Sky&Yellow Earth——Shen Qibing

        Cheng Yong is a patient, motivated and special artist. As his character, his creation is pragmatic, stable, persistent. He never worried about his artistic pursuit being separated from the so-called trend and always patiently walks on his own path. In a sense, art is his way of life.

        His creation is of strong continuity. As what he said, he is a pure oriental artist in his heart. Deep understanding of western art has not diluted the oriental features but makes it more strengthening. Through the study of calligraphy, “to understand and grasp by abstract methods, to give up dependence on the word, to construct pure visual form from the abstract meaning of the word itself ”.  And long-term focus and thinking on theme of “obstacle” and “braille” factors promotes his continuous creation. In his recent works, while maintaining his focus on the reality, he shows the barriers between the present and the tradition through the blind spot. On the other hand, he pays attention to exploit contemporary aesthetic factors from traditional aesthetics, such as Suzhou Gardens, Orchid Pavilion Preface, ancient calligraphy, painting and so on. The way of performance of concrete beauty through the abstract methods can be more poetic, has more contemporary exploration. The importance of Cheng Yong's current transition is from the abstract "blind" elements to new visual images by the use of the traditional visual elements, which is just the direction of the contemporary art exploration in the future.

        Chinese contemporary art’s booming is bound to be diversified. Cheng Yong’s solo exhibition at the Pudong International Airport makes more people see the different types of distinctive artists’ artistic pursuits and achievements. Meantime, under this realistic age, there are a lot of excellent artists, such as Yong, who are still persistent in their artistic pursuits in low profile. The innovative exhibition at the Pudong International Airport is very conducive to create a contemporary arts atmosphere, beneficial to the Pudong International Airport’s active pursuit of openness and culture quality in the process of brand internationalization. In this way, Pudong International Airport can possess more wealthy international cultural heritage and unique charm.

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