关于《魅惑》的解读 —斯源近作随笔

关于《魅惑》的解读 —斯源近作随笔

关于《魅惑》的解读 —斯源近作随笔

时间:2012-02-20 10:49:48 来源:

>关于《魅惑》的解读 —斯源近作随笔

斯源  《魅惑-II_》

        The history states the past of people’s viewpoints. Philosophy explains theotizational puzzles. However, the stated past has gone, and the explained puzzles are still illusive. Perhaps, with us individuals facing the boundless universe, only art can truly deliver the turns of life, our perception, as well as the throbbing of our heart, composing all the undescribable sentiments into a song.
        Si Yuan’s works are distant, lingering songs, fresh and calm, streaming from the painter’s painting brush. Modern people get their anxiety released before his paintings, which are as soothing as andante, where souls find their final resting place. 
        Among all of Si Yuan’s artworks, the “Addict” series is the most remarkable with its fantastic construction, intimate yet a bit ridiculous statemen. Are they an expression of desires, an   explanation of nightmares, or an allegoric narrative? This series of works consist of female bodies and ox-heads. The woman’s body forms the major part of the ox-head, while the erogenous red or black lips overlap the ox-mouths. The eyes staring into the distance or slightly closed are clearly women’s eyes weeping for their destiny. Here, human and cattle are combined and interlaced equally, which is impossible to occur in the reality. However, art  magically turns the impossibility into totem-like supernatural visual images to communicate with people, with its thunderous silence.
        One can never explain artworks with words, because art goes far beyond the language. That’s why people usually appreciate art with a tinge of regret.
Women, delicate as they are, were and still are the spine of the society and the arms of history, upholding the hope of life and taking on the burding of living. They carry the hardships and arduousness with docility, modesty, toughness and endurance. The  silent female figures are like hang totem decorations, while the ox head is in silence too, as if due to exhaustion. Life freezes into perpetuity at this moment, and meanwhile space grotesquely fades back to the background in the displays in the years.
        In the peaceful paintings, only the orectic lips contrast with the calm eyes, forming a conflict between movement and quietude. The changing of lips suggests the restlessness of souls, and indications can be read through the crystal eyes. When faced with the colorful yet helpless world, you have to be quiet and keep silent. 
        以女性视角解读的两性世界,是对男权话语的挑战,但这一挑战既没有硝烟也没有血色——是对男权话语的必要补充。这一补充使人类的灵魂更加丰厚完整,做为母系社会沦落以来的第二性,有权表达,更值得人们用心倾听。男性与女性都是人类社会不可或缺的性别构成。 我们在观赏之余不应该作深层的反思么?!
        To read gender relationship from women’s viewpoint is a challenge to male power. Only in this challenge there is neither war or blood. This challenge is an essential supplement to masculine authority, which makes the human soul more broad and intergrite. As the second gender since the decadency of matriarchal society, women have the right to speak out and they are worth listening. Both men and women constitute an important sex composition of the human society. Why shouldn’t we reflect on this while appreciating the artworks?
        Besides the “Addict” series, Si yuan’s works include a wide range of topics, such as selfless maternal love, harmony in gender relationship, the blooming and fading of life, a lot more recalling her hometown where she spent her childhood and youth, Hulunbeier grassland as well as “The cattles on Hulunbeier Grassland”, and so on. That is possibly where the source of her inspiration comes from. The grassland witnessed too many of her hopes and dreams.
        Art is a particular way for people to save their souls. Si Yuan   conflides her throbbing of heart and perception for life through her works. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, with the light of art, we can dissipate the ugliness of our soul and lighten and refresh the heaven-born pure human nature. It is art that enables us to have a real understanding and experience of the truth, good and beauty. We believe that Si Yuan will improve and exceed herself continuously with an active and optimistic mood, and come out with more magnificent works with her magic paintbrush soaked with passion. 
        if you know the history of fine arts you will find that you can’t find out any art work has more artistic value than hers.and you can’t find out any artist has more creative power than her.

方天 2009.3.
Authored by Fang Tian

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