


时间:2012-03-08 11:06:26 来源:





Liu Libin


In Qin Zhen new works "Mangnolia flower" series works, mangnolia flower this deciduous tree is translated into artists express feelings of media, become witness of artist individual living feelings. In folklore, mangnolia flowers meaning "gratitude", which come from three sisters saving the common people, made into mangnolia. A plant into artists theme, it has not only been the original body, but also is the special medium of life meaning.
In Qin Zhen creations, expressing the living experience by implication ways, is a customary manner, this concentrated expression in her landscape, still lives pictures. Whether the mountain, river in landscape works, or still lives of various daily artifacts, Qin Zhen have given strong subjective color. These she may cast subjective feeling, reside daily spirit essence, burn in her color full of strong feelings. Based on the Qin Zhen broad mind, strong emotions, women matrix, delicate and charming the flowered season youth, these works let me touch and recall with emotion, works of potential zeal and clinging, revealed temperament and quality, they indicate the artist's artistic talent, indicate many possibilities of the young artist future.
Qin Zhen in painting as always use a gorgeous, powerful, jumping and bold and unrestrained color, brushwork emotional, subjective, write bold and unrestrained, affirmative, objects and scenes be performed at the same time, they were segregated and decomposed. To colorific the persistent pursuit, let me feel her romance and naive; to the performance object decomposition and recombination, and make people aware of her calm and deep. In almost religious devotion facing to the scene, things, she drunk, wander in performance object world, fusing individual comprehension and performance object the physical, in reveal performance object property, at the same time take color to give one kind of "combustion" wonders. In such a burning, performance object are warmed by heat, artists in the communication through object, walk into the Individualistic world, this world has turned into a specific artists' works.
Qin Zhen creation is on the way, after washing practice, which way will nowadays the "combustion" be appeared? Thus forming another kind of echo between object world and work world? This is my expectancy, what she will deal with.

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