


时间:2012-03-08 14:07:27 来源:








        I can not live without pen. Pen is my baby, although I always put eyebrow pencil in my pocket and bag. With eyebrow pencil painting on face, actually it is a type of painting. If besmear that heavy makeup, that is oil painting. But I like painting on the canvas. My makeup just draw eyebrows, in fact drawn or not all is all right, I feel no difference. Eyebrow can't prove anything. It is female intimacies, rummaged through my bag to find that one little black pen, vexed; my face was bald, in the face a draw like beautiful, in the mind think so, is really a comfort, may pretty or not, didn't matter.

        But I have many paintbrushes. I like to buy all kinds of pens, with different wool. Each kind of wool has different painted effects, in canvas painting more enjoyable than on the face. But if on the face painting is miserably with paintbrush. Paintbrushes are made with bristle, wolf hair, and hog hair. There are other paintbrushes with man-made wool. All those are hard. Can you draw on the face? Good technical pen is different, forceful and bouncy, when drew with it you have a very good feeling, that kind of feeling can't say out, it is interesting. Of course I said about oil painting.

        When painting, I listen to the pen on the canvas scrubbing away. Sometimes I am dizzy, and I don’t know where I am. I just want to put my heart and mind in it, just drawing.

        Drawing couldn't be hypocrisy. But brushes have fakes. Poor, bad, shed hair , bad to use! Every time I wash my paintbrush. I like my brush to be clean ~, washing the brush is a kind of relax.

        Relieve myself.

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