


时间:2012-03-08 14:12:11 来源:







        油画有生命。行云~, 优雅~, 贴切~,  自由~, 奔放~, 厚实~, 丰富, 有意味,每一天,我都在体会~~~~~~~~~~。!。


        New buy the thing of washing face, one kind is called clean face oil, cute little bottle, it is washing face, it is better than facial cleanser, scrub cream, oil is very expensive, is used several times, the feeling is very good!

        From that day of painting, I have been dealing with oil, I won't cook, since the childhood I have been eating meal others do, so rarely touch oil of cooking, nobody doing I buy to eat, also others doing, now have many dinner party, I also eat very little, heard Lu Yu eats two vegetables leaf for day, I eat four, more than her, I like to treat others , that is much fun, but they don't let me pick up the bill, I'm apologies, are good brothers and sisters. I'll draw to thank them!
Oil of toning, cooking and washing face looks same, very sleek, the oil of mixing color cannot eat nor rub face, but in painting, special painting face is not oil, obsequiousness can't come out, but I don't like the glossy, too oil, quite corny. So, I like to put turpentine and toning oil blend together, more turpentine, little color mixing oil, such drawn relaxed and nature, not greasy, matte.

        I did not know what is made palette oil, there is a kind of taste very sweet, my painting by my side, every day with me, a house, the wall is crowded, every picture treat me politely, and they smile at me every day, smiling very beautiful, very beautiful, every day I will draw them.

        Color mixing oil every day send out fragrance, it is those paintings in the growth, bit by bit dry, they finally will go out of the studio, with incense oil, go a very far place, should go for many years.

        Paintings have life. Rack, elegant, freedom, appropriate, bold and unrestrained, thick, rich, meaningful, every day in my experience.

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