


时间:2012-03-08 14:55:32 来源:







        酒所以先祭天,后来就是战争,后来就是死亡,后来就是重生 ,后来就是美女, 


 女人喝酒可能是为了美,小女人爱喝酒的人~不多,慢慢长大的女人可能会爱上酒,可能会爱上红酒~,不知为什么,可能红酒就是女人吧 ,自己爱自己算是对得起自己吧,喝红酒看尘雨过眼,如烟云~~……


 酒永远喝不完,红酒也一样,慢慢的慢慢的品~,品~,品~,品格~,  ,品德~……



When I put the red wine understanding for Hong wine, the wine like changed.
I don't like drinking wine, feel others drinking very strange, will think so ~ what to drink, drink wine and then dizziness, it is the men's thing, so, every time I see someone drink, I so looking at...
Although, I once had completely drink a bottle of red wine, and once drank four bottles of beer, and once drank six onces Moutai, drink a bottle of sake, and a drink eight small bottle of imported wines, I think it is not drink, also don't know why, anyway, while eating with drinking, everyone has a kind of passion, enthusiasm, or dissatisfaction, or for the sake of face, or to express, men have a lot of reasons to drink every glass of wine, some reason it's funny, wisdom, humor, even crazy, for a cup of wine to fight, liquor was made for men, good man drink to landscape, in order to beauty, so the wine of god are women...
For a little thing playing mad after drunk that is little man, striking is not the person of the poise, alcohol can destroy atmosphere, wine is actually sublime, but I don't understand, I want to really know people who drink must really extraordinary.
Wine is the will of god, food for mind stuffing out and began to speak with god, those start fermentation, water is uncommon, so you can't drink too much and drinking a little will make you dizzy, the body will ascended into heaven, and the soul would float out, want to fly, upward, relate.
Wine sacrifice to heaven, Later is war, then is death, afterwards is born again, then is beauty.
These are the book written in, or hear people saying, "I don't really understand wine, but I feel wine really not generally, therefore, I look like wine.
Women may drink for beauty, little women who love drink are not much, slowly growing up woman might fall in love with wine, might fall in love with red wine, do not know why, red wine may be women, loving yourselves are responsible for yourself, drink red wine and see the world like smoke, like dust...
The world should not Hong wine, Hong wine is what, Hong is reputation, Hong is fame, Hong is commemorates, Hong is a light
Wine always can't drink it out, red wine also, slowly taste, taste, tast, character, and quality...
See quality.

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