


时间:2012-03-08 15:02:53 来源:


        酸菜鱼算是南京的特色菜~,昨晚朋友请我去吃,捡了人气很旺的的店,经过很长的排队等待, 吃的不错。刺~也扎很深。













Pickled cabbage fish is Nanjing specialties, last night, a friend invited me to eat, chose the store very popular, after a long queue waiting, eat well. Stab also took deep.
Every time to eat fish, I am very careful, because had a serious experience, sore, frighten. It is eight years ago Jinan in winter, cousin took me to have dinner in East Hill Road, chose the marine fish I love to eat, then I ate quickly, before also no experience, so big eat, eat especially, eating quickly.
Brother looked at happy, did not stop clipping for me, in the end, I suddenly feel a fishbone in my throat! Blocked, swallowed hardly.
I ate scoops of rice, wanted the fishbone carry down, seem a bit down. Then I repeated practices, ate up rice, seemed still in that, brother seem very understand, very calm got a bowl vinegar, bought a steamed bread, let me drink down, then eat steamed bread, said can also soften fishbone.
I did as, just knew how acid vinegar, steamed bread how choke person! At that time I felt quite deep, finally, a bowl of vinegar after drinking, half the steamed bread down, fishbone seem more downwards, a while had, a short while no.
Brother summarized and analysed, saying may steamed bread enough astringent, can't bring it down, come again some cookies, estimate eating is not a feeling, at this moment I'm already full, belly also very suffered, from appetite, already broke my many single record, (a vinegar of the quantity, a eating rice, the amount of eating steamed bread) I couldn't walk. Biscuits forcedly ate a few, then felt obvious fishbone at collarbone this position, always hurts. This time the brother had gathered all make out and took me to the hospital.
The doctor looked then spoke, fishbone already very deep, need anesthesia, took it out from nose, I ask why not take out from my mouth, the doctor said because mouth move is mobilized. I was scared to death, tears flowed, the doctor called the two nurses and cousin together to hold my hand, fix, don't move, started picking.
My cousin is one year older than me, he was also very nervous and anxious, very puzzled.
I remember clearly that the fishbone came out is thin, long, wet, and from the middle fold up. Big fishbone! Since then I have eaten slowly, eating fish has been very carefully.
Let me unexpectedly, last night happened 8 years ago of the scene, today fishbone brought out, is short, thick, the shape is very good-looking
Fishbone is, also not easy, is lovely, I want to paint it down, keep. After all, it has been in my throat for a day, also has the feelings, but this is a painful feelings, must want to take it off.
The doctor is good, the picking fishbone of expert, big and small fishbone in throat all find he.   

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