


时间:2012-03-08 15:07:57 来源:








In Qinghai, I straightened my travel map, went to the places with the red pen coloring, the red pen spread on the map ~ those red marks, are my footprint in few years, look like a bit ridiculous, appears a little too lovely, have never thought the places gone are many, every place I went, I left a deep mark, and some thoughts, a lot of places is really lovely, I want these red color continuous diffusion, and that it represents my wish, also represents my ideal, slowly I see red marks on map, it is actually a picture, abstract and concrete. I always have the desire, it needs painting down, already have wanted for many days.
In my childhood our hometown, adults and children all know map mean, whose child map around a child certain all up laughing at him, because he wetted his bed yesterday evening, so when hearing map everybody will blush. My mom says I drawing map well, I make very embarrassed ~ actually map is the children's patent, all mapped. The memory of childhood is distant and friendly.
I've been thinking, why the child bedwetting is called map? When I was colored map in Qinghai, my mind back to childhood quilt hanging on iron wire at the door, the prints above the quilt, in that time was a extremely disgraceful affair, now consider, in fact every child painted many very natural, and the permeability of abstract art, the scene, now it has not seen. That's an interesting device.
My map, today expanded a little, on canvas, let my mind went a long way.
I went to the outside far away... This city has many places not like this city, like outside.

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