


时间:2012-03-08 15:13:33 来源:




        今天是南京大屠杀纪念日,笛声很大,真的要下雨了,风吹树叶在跑,我也在风里追,上半年的地震纪念日也响过这样的警报声,那天我在画“碧血雨花台”,身心都有一种血往外涌,冲动,泪水,沸腾,统统都倒在画布上了,心跳了很久很久,可以说: “久久不能平静”,一切皆有可能~…






Nanjing no rain, nor rain appearance, also asked friends to go to play, but it is really cold, drew very late last night
These days thoughts may be heavy, and also slowly perceive life accident place, so very regrets, also know what is called relieved,
Meng Xiaodong say "not afraid," that actually was said by Zhang Ziyi, they meaning are all the same. Zhang Ziyi say everyone has painful things and fun things, happy things, you want to say and tell others which side ~, she said she doesn't want to always cry and tear to say how bitter herself.
Today is the Nanjing Massacre anniversary, flute very big, really want to rain, wind blowing leaves in run, I also in the wind recalled, for the first half of the earthquake,
also ring such alarm, the other day I was painting " The Rain Flower Terrace in royal blood ", body and mind are a kind of blood outward, impulsive, tears, boiling, entirely
all fell on the canvas, heartbeat for a long time, say: "can’t be calm for a long" everything is possible.
Some days ago, in the night went to Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, from Linggu Temple deep seeing the sky, the branches in crepuscular sky special cute, looking at it began to rain,
rain was not big, slowly came down, we can't go quickly ~, also cannot slowly, also well tree will block off some rain for our, see a arch bridge,
see a pavilion, see a red wall, and a door, vaulted door. The night of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum special quiet, rain is a comfort.
The windy and rainy, the mood also big, temper bigger, what accumulate more became rain and wind. The sun is not always hang on the day of his face, the heavens also will lose one's temper,
will cry, sometimes several days in non-stop rain, like big tears flow, and today's, didn't know who can't pass again and heaven, for those who the dead?
Also didn't know when and who will link-the clouds, let the light of day show bright.
Wind and rain refers to the blowing and raining, feng feng yu yu is not just blowing wind, raining rain, like said life ~, wind and rain actually too, so, wind and rain also refers not only to the blowing and raining...
How face it.

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