


时间:2012-03-08 15:14:48 来源:






        冬眠不是消失~~~~~~~~ ......冬眠不是睡懒觉~~~~~~~~......冬眠是想要有

        依 靠......


Nanjing it is cold to toes without feeling, childhood knew in winter small animals were hid themselves, grain, tiny grass, even trees all need to hide, little snake like froze to death in winter, so, the snake is most wretchedness, I am not snake person, but in the winter, also feel difficult. Since I grew up in Shandong province, in and out the dream snowflakes drifting, I did not feel cold, have never thought the south so cold; inside and outside become the same acerbity cold, inside is colder than outside, bed colder than the house, cold to the bones.
Yesterday was the winter solstice, wash the ritual, church song through my heart, I saw many soul fly in the sky, the outside world far away, and here the atmosphere is filled with purity of things, and very clean, I saw my soul is clean, is soothing, afterwards snow, is in my mind think so, and later, so it came down, beautiful snowflakes slowly flew down and has brought us to the Yuyama hot springs, snow falls, the water into steam, so big of fog, a gust of wind, so big temperature difference, lie in the water, snowflake is eager to my face, the wind and heat in the hot pool were woven, just understand water also can hide, is warm, the cold is pulled off, hiding is very good, I want to hide
Last night, stars and moon hid themselves, only the snowflake didn't hide, these years, I have a few grievance, pain, toxin, discontent, through the baptism they have disappeared, pure is really clean, it is so good.
A kind of song is not sing out by mouth, but also need to listen quiet by heart.
Hibernation is not disappearing... Hibernation is not lie-ins... Hibernation is wanted to have

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