


时间:2012-03-08 15:26:17 来源:








Unicorn can fly. It flew yesterday, from sky to land. My mind also flew. There is no reason for flying. If you want to leave, you can leave. I always walk in Nanjing, from morning to night. Sometimes, I got up early. Yesterday, I woke up at 4 o’clock, staring at the wall and thinking deeply. I saw many colors, very dark colors. Most of the colors are complementary colors. Paintings are made of colors. Without colors, paintings are depressing. Iin order to color can be a pain, a good painting pay effort that is inscrutability, in night very clear, then sleep deeply, and very deeply.

Painting unicorn was the destiny arrangements, should draw, unconsciously finish, horse's eyes are very bright, very spirit, it is to protect, from the west...
These days, I drew magnolia, white and purple, open and not quite open, resembling is from heaven, flower is difficult to draw, branches processed hard, and background also, possibly because of too broken, I don't want to draw a picture like real branches of magnolia, photos is ok, flower is to draw out, is heart, bold and unrestrained or flow, anyhow, cannot without soul, the soul of man, drawing and seeing people all want to have a harmonious telepathic, because art is not a dinner party, so it is difficult.
Unicorn coming walk down a river, a division of the past and the future, I this age may not really experience what call past and future, so see unicorn, will only happy, I know, there must be many stories, I'd like to know.
Road is stepped out, the picture is drawing out, can't retreat...

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