


时间:2012-03-08 15:35:51 来源:









Last Night were three things for you, you said.
Fear, pain, and peace.
My last night was spent at Yi River. The river was cold and dark, stretched very far away. It took on a color that you can feel deep in your heart, but it is just not possible to paint it out. You know exactly what it is. But you cannot say it’s one color or many colors. It’s like a mass, a huge mass with no gradations and no edges. But if you look in the distance, it became a passage, a deep and dark tunnel. No light. No air. All there is the deadly grey, and your humming head and thumping heart. No way out. As the tunnel is going nowhere. It feels like a flood would come in from anywhere and at anytime. And the feeling was like floating in the sky, and pulled in a cart by someone, with arms dangling in the air, very relaxing and effortless. The cart was moving very slowly through a few blocks.  In the sky the sun was overshadowed by the moon.
The night started to fall and it quieted down everywhere. People were looking up to the sky while going on with their stuff. I held up a black-white film and looked through into the sky. The sky looked not that dark through the film and when the cart was moving on the sun became totally shadowed by the moon, like a man screened by a bigger body standing behind. You would think there is only one person left which turned out to be two people. And it could be a brother and sister, or father and daughter, or a couple, or friends, or lovers…Nevertheless; it is one screening the other one. 
Imagine the two are standing on the stage with a beam of light shooting over from the front; all you can see is one silhouette. If neither of them moves, or breathes, you will just have no idea of what’s so called transformation. Now the sun puffed and blew a great light through to the universe. The person left on the stage, without going any other way, she just went straight forward, slowly and softly, and soon disappearing in sight. The silhouette was still there, the light still there, the audience there, same with the stage, only the person no longer there.
I have such fear that light will eliminate everything, and the darkness will eat up everything, especially when night is here. I think that’s why people who are afraid of darkness invented lighting bulbs. But in the night, people are supposed to sleep and rest instead of playing for fun. No one would stay awake the whole night in the darkness. But how can people stay eyes open the whole day?
Then it’s the pain. Pain is an experience everyone has had throughout their lives. But pain and grief are still different. Well, let’s stop here and continue tomorrow.

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