


时间:2012-03-08 15:37:40 来源:












I took some sliced meat from the fridge and put it on the plate, while I was thinking if the meat ever had painful memories. Vegetarians believe that the cut meat had experienced the sharpest pain, and they hold a memory of this painful experience which is not erasable. Now I'm wondering when eating the meat, if we will be having the pain or the satisfaction of eating it, or we'll be having both.
Until midnight, I was still swimming until very late last night. I reached the islet on the river which is long and shaped like Taiwan if seen from above, I think. I climbed onto the islet and walked from one end to the other. The islet is very beautiful, blanked with reeds and thatches, and various kinds of flowers, very growthy.
I stepped on roots of the reeds, rugged. The reeds swept against me with their wide leaves and left a few strokes and cuts on me. A few frightened by the wind, flew from the crowd, making their way above. I walked deeper. Above, the moon is big and bright, shining against the water, shivering with the riddles, looking very painful. The moon now is totally different from the blinded one in the day. I was at that time, moving forward in the cart, and now, I am swimming onwards. I can go any direction now.
The rugged road is hurting my feet. Sandy road would be tickling for my feet too. I only like walking on flat and smooth road. But I like walking and I can walk long distance. Once I walked in a mountain for a whole day which made me sweat all over. It gave me a lot of excitement walking up and down. I am always fascinated with the beautiful scenery in the mountains. Let's imagine this. How can one enjoy the sceneries if the shoes give your feet trouble on the way? I guess I can’t.
But what is pain?  Pain, in my thinking, is memory of a specific period of time. When you feel pain, the pain can be magnified with time, and you would feel the time going by never so slower that you would want it to stop right at the moment. Normally the moment is tranquil and only tranquility can kill the pain. But the time is not just time. It is pain that time can kill. Some one would say, pain can never be erased, unless it's pain in your heart.
I was coming to the water front of the island, and the light on the water was so dazzling that made me almost faint. That light reminded me of the shining silverware, the glorious chandelier, the glitter of the jewels in the chest, and the light gliding across the surgery room where the patient stroking his hand trying to get hold of a man's hand, or even if there is a puppy to hold onto. But I guess the puppy won't allow it. It would be more frightened of the scalpel than the patient who is trying to get him!
It's time to dive in the water again. With my barely left strength, I tried swimming across the river which I must do tonight. But I never expected there would be an islet halfway.
Then I stepped into the water and the water was very warm which is strange, and it smelt herbal! But the moment I opened my eyes, it cooled down instantly. Then I kept going, but the pain was just not there any more in the water, even though I tried hard to feel the pain. When you were floated, embraced and warmed by water, you would feel nothing filthy out there and it's just so nice.
Well, that's it. Let's continue tomorrow.Or I will text you.

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