


时间:2012-03-08 15:39:25 来源:













You texted me a message, asking, are you there?
 I told you, yes..
Another day passed, I was thinking of this when breathing in the water. It’s annoying that you can only exhale but not inhale air in the water. So every time you breathe in the air before you can relieve it under water slowly. You stroke your legs and arms in turn before you come up to breathe. But if your limbs are disordered, you will need to come up again to take another breath to put them back in place before you duck in again. In the water, there is no trouble, no pain, nothing other than relaxation. I was wondering why I felt so much pain lately. And what’s the sorrow about? Why do pain and sorrow always go together?
Pain is a memory. Grief is an understanding or in conceivable understanding. But what’s the understanding about that makes it so sorrow? It can be a sorrow when you feel perplexed, treated wrongly, misunderstood, also when you are suffering from tooth problems.  If a person says it’s painful to have a toothache, some people might give him a strange look because people who never have such problems can not understand that pain. That also explains that pain is physical, and sorrow is psychological. It’s insane to say that a headache is sorrowful but it can be very painful. 
Sorrow is in heart, and pain from body.
I kept on stroking my way in the water, with the moon setting its light on my arms and the water splashes.  I embraced the mellow moonlight with both of arms when I swam forward. It’s in a dream swimming in the moonlight and it’s like being embraced by the water, when you immerge your body in the water. In the water, it’s like another world. There are shallow and also unfathomable places.  When you swim through the really deep water, you could feel a mixed temperature of water gliding past your feet, which would give you a nice surprise but can also be frightening. How come the same water could feel different temperatures?

 It’s common knowledge to people who swim that water temperature varies at different depths and it keeps a balance until someone disturbs the tranquility and the temperature will change and mix accordingly.
I almost reached the bank of river before I realized this might be the last time for this summer, and this is my longest journey and also my first experience of crossing a river in midnight. The water was crystal clear and radiating bluish green. The water was deep and underwater were lots of dark currents.  In winter, the river would freeze and grow thick ice where people would go and fish in the ice holes. I still remembered the day last year when was told to be last day that suits fishing on ice. After that, the ice started to melt and if people walk on the ice, you could hear ice crackling and feel water coming up, which is quite scary.  I was thinking this could just be the place where I swam past last night. In winter people can walk past on ice and swim under across in water in summer, but how about the rest time? Well yes, flying across, I think.
When I was swimming across the river tonight, I already felt like flying, but instead of flying in the sky, it felt more like being held and pulled on by someone underneath. When I was stroking, a small white fish got stuck between my toes. I was scared but I had no spare hand to drive it off . I felt so itchy that it finally became a pain. And I think it’s really a sin as I thought the fish might be more frightened than me. It was just swimming as any fish does but all of a sudden, it hit on a huge body and got stuck! It could breathe but just couldn’t escape as it’s caught on the waist. There is no worse thing than being ripped of freedom. I was even frightened by this thought myself. What was I supposed to think and do if I were caught by a green monster who also complained that I hurt him? Thinking of this, I let loose my toes and let free the little fish. Off it went, with a few strokes of its tale.
My feet touched down and there I stood up. I can not stand myself lying or floating for too long. There I was, soaked through, like a drowned rat, but inside, I felt like baptized, clean and free. It’s hard to express my feelings of the night in a few words, but it’s definitely something that you feel from bottom of your heart. It’s just as though it can only be felt that way.
Reaching to the strand is anther thing from going up a slope, or upstairs, or uphill. A strand is clearly lined from the water, and the lines change over time, clearly.

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