


时间:2012-03-08 15:45:43 来源:








Today is a new start. If you get off the day with a dish not to your liking, you probably will find more dishes not so to your taste.  Sometimes, you don’t dare or want to try a new dish only because it does not look tasty, which could turn out very palatable by just only one bite or taste. Dishes are just like this, and time turns out almost the same way.
You can improvise dishes any way you want, adding a bit of this and a bit of that and making it a lot of fun. You can make cooking an exploration, and the only thing is about how daring you are. It can be compared to time.
When I was young, I had no idea of time, and I was afraid of time. Time in my concept was a certain point of time when you were supposed to be called home and which you were afraid of and even frustrated. I never wanted anybody to bother me at a certain point of time. And I hope there never exists such kind of point.  But that’s what time means. Time is the linkage of one point of time to another, and no break in between. I heard many people are afraid of that point, just like Beijing afraid of being late for work. If you pass that particular point of time, you would feel like passing through a door which is very elastic and you can squeeze in. But time is stretchable and pressing as well. I met with a girl yesterday who is only 25 years old and already planned to be a mother very soon and even thought of bringing up her child to be a president in the future. Girl’s time is so short that she would have already used up her time when her boy had grown to be a president. A girl’s life can not be gauged by the length of time. A girl can live longer but she has far less time than a guy.  Girls spend a pretty portion of time making up themselves not only because they want to appear more beautiful, but also that they enjoyed the time making themselves more attractive. They would never complain the makeup time too long. And just right up to this moment, the room suddenly came to complete silence, and it felt like time stops at the moment as depicted in literature. But for me, time just came to a standstill, but not to a stop, as I know right after this point, I will move onto other stuff, and this point of time is no longer a concern of me. I would ignore the certain points of time one is supposed to do something particular, like dinner and bed, and I would just ignore the time itself.
It is a very natural psychological reaction when you are in such a hassle that you would want the time to freeze for a while and enjoy a piece of peace for a while. So I would not let time stop for me, or wait for the stillness and peace to come along. The stillness could lead to solitude. And solitude is not meant for human beings. 
It’s not an easy job to write down this passage. I was interrupted by quite a few time blanks when all you can feel is the rumbling of the fridge and you can feel is time draining out with the electric flow. It was deadly silent stillness. And time was tickling out, and I cannot just catch up with time.  So just forget time, and it is just so nice.

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