


时间:2012-03-08 15:46:55 来源:









I always stayed up late in the night, playing with my palette. Holding my paint brushes, mixing colors on the palette, a mixture of feelings rushed in my mind and fused with the colors on the palette and when I painted on the canvas. I enjoyed so much in the painting, without noticing that time slipped away. When I finished, it’s already dawn time. Thinking of my works, satisfied, I went straight to my bed. Now it’s MY bed time!
Everybody says it’s not good for girls to stay up late in the night, not good for skin, not good for health, blah blah… But I don’t care. I don’t care it’s daytime or the dark night; I sleep whenever I feel like it. Whenever I feel tired, I’ll allow myself for a sleep or a nap. So for me, there is no such saying of “staying”up.
Once I heard a story about a man staying up with an eagle. The man would stay up with an eagle for as long as he can in a purpose to be boss of the eagle. If the man wins and stays up longer than the eagle, he would be the master of the eagle. And a man would need to stay up for nine and a half days to win the battle! During the entire time, the eagle was up with its eyes wide open and looking around. And if the man couldn’t stay for the last hour, or the last minute, the eagle would fly away and never come back. But if the eagle fails, it would be obedient to the man. With a wave of your left hand, the eagle would shoot high in the sky, and another wave of the right hand, it would come back right away and with its hunt.
It’s not known who are the first one to think of the way of staying up with eagles so as to tame them. But it’s really interesting. Why to stay up with them? And what’s the point of staying up?
If a man stays up in the night, who would stay longer, the man or the night? A man can stay up through the night, but even if he makes it, can you say the man is the winner?
As it’s dark in the night, you can’t tell if the night is asleep or not. I can’t tell either. So what’s the night mean to you guys who like to stay up in the night? What do you want when you are staying up? Don’t you feel tired, don’t you want to sleep?  Then why to stay up in the night? Why not stay up in the day? And does anyone really need to “stay” up in the day? It seems daytime is much easier to live, whether it’s happy time or hard time; when you feel a bit tired, just take a nap, or relax for a while, and you don’t have to stay up. But when the night falls, you don’t want to go to sleep, even if you are tired. And I’m one of them. I like to stay up in the night. It’s said that the smart guys are more active in the night than in the day, who would be more exciting and more talkative. While for those dull ones, night is bedtime and nothing is more important than to sleep. You never try to keep them up in the night, and they will never stay up in the night with you. It’s not that they can not stay up late in the night, it’s just they can’t stay up with you. Anyway, bedtime is bedtime. You just go to sleep if you want to. And I'll be up to what I want. But it’s nothing to do with staying or not staying up.
Whatever, daytime is more pleasant. You can see all nice things, lovely and clear. In the daytime, you will find everything smells better, looks better, which makes you feel better. While in the night, if you are up with nothing, that sounds not interesting, that’s terrible. But I’ll always find myself busy with something in the night. I enjoyed my time in the night. I will not trouble myself with the thought of going to sleep or not. Anyway, every woman deserves a sleep feast!

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