


时间:2012-03-08 15:54:49 来源:








It is getting late, but I am still working. Well, it is 7 in the evening. I decide to sleep for a while, because I will have something to conduct in the evening. It is almost 12 o’clock. I take out a bottle of beer, turn all kinds of materials. I am actually already tired. Shijian is also tired, without any sounds. Animals are very realistic. If they are happy, they will run, jump and make sounds. But if they are not happy, they will only call, small teeth bite, catch evil fire.
People would also have fury. Their mind and body will be separated because of tiredness. But painting is a different situation. I can feel romance, energy and freedom with painting. It is can not be described. It is me who can feel that.
I will go to bed after get an email. I haven’t written the blog. This blog topic, is about snatch a little leisure from a busy life, then became snatch a little line from a busy life, that meaning is steal line in busy, actually, leisure is a realm. People can't enjoy idle. Really a person does nothing very oppressed. Line and paint have relations, sometimes busy anything else, no painting I will always think about the line, on canvas handfuls of lines is interesting, lines and lines looked much like, carefully do not like, distinguishes for line with emotion, the money is hit out with metal, fall on the ground aloud, put in pocket very heavy.
Night someone told me, its belly swollen, do not know what reason, because it's in that thinking things, thinking up a lot of things. I said diminished inflammation and hung water. He said received.
Computer today's current sound, rattle, tomorrow is very important.
A sip of wine, and, sleepy.

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