


时间:2012-09-08 14:30:54 来源:


        何马是一位诗意的艺术家,同时也有很酷的想象力。他时常把他的才能放在同一件作品里,这使得作品变得苦中有乐的混合体,兼有社会批判和沉醉生活的综合。作品“Watching over the wall”(墙外)、“Two types of laughter”(笑)、或者整个怪老翁和小孩系列“Evil old men chilclren”都刻画出喜苦参半的特点。也许,这些应该是将来要认真思量他对雨艺术最有贡献的作品。然而,对于何马其他作品所呈现的才华。客观的说,我大概还不能完全领会。


        The last fifteen years have been very special for the art of Shoushan stone carving. HeMa is an important artist in the middle of this activity. Since 1990 or just before, a creative fever has changed traditional carving, similar to the revolution that is happening in Chinese business.
        Moments like this are rare and precious in the history of art. They are the times when new ideas are tried out and standards are created, when there is expectation and excitement in the air. I think of examples like China during the Yuan dynasty, like Paris in the early XX century.
        For a foreigner like me, arriving in Fuzhou at the end of the 90’s, the city was as a newly opened bottle of bubbling wine: Zhang Lin Cun, a whole city of carvers making art and craft objects; other artists working in Fuzhou itself; frequent shows well attended not only by experts and collectors, but by many common people; a strong and lively tradition on one side and a desire to renew and to innovate on the other. What excitement!
        Why was all of this happening? I believe the power behind this movement to be the perception by many talented and bright young people of Art as a means to glory, to fame, and to a more comfortable life. Intelligent people from all social classes used Art as the tool to turn creative instinct into concrete objects and to show their capabilities. China’s opening to the world offered an opportunity to look for new models, to try new designs, to defy tradition. At the same time, the high quality craftsmanship and tradition of stone carving existent in the city served as discipline and as a standard of excellent work. The energy of the young artists was the fuel and the great tradition was the engine; art lovers like me just had to appreciate and enjoy the ride.
        This was the background; let us talk about our great artist and different phases, different styles of his work.
        HeMa is an artist of poetic and also cruel imagination. He often puts both talents into the same piece, which becomes a bittersweet combination of social criticism and charm. “Watching over the wall”, “Two types of laughter” or the whole series “Evil old men and children” illustrate the point. Maybe the future will consider this line of work his most important contribution to Art, but maybe I am being unfair to other sides of his talent.
        Over time, HeMa developed a stylisation of the human form: bodies evolve into flowing, massive, rock-like smooth shapes that convey feelings of power, softness or others he may want to instil. The “Old actor declaiming” is a good example.
        Combining a little of social criticism and simplified lines, HeMa presents us with a funny and critical depiction of characters, the “HeMa Style”. Being a style, it was easy to use by other artists and, in this sense may turn out to be his biggest influence on future artists. His view of humanity is similar to the way Honore Daumier looked at his contemporaries.  Both artists like to needle their subjects (and the viewer).
The artist likes to defy established standards for Shoushan stone, he often uses stones with “foreign matter”: incrustations by metals and other stone material that would be rejected by the traditionalists. The flaws become patterns on clothes or get used in other ways. In “Old sage in the cave” he even carves the old man out of the matrix material (granitic lava) and the cave out of Shoushan stone, when traditionally the matrix is always used as the frame.
        HeMa has made a curious blend of the Chinese tradition of conveying a message through an image - as in “pomegranate = many children” – with western Conceptual Art, where the idea is much more valued the work itself.
        “Inversions”, a series of pieces where size is contrasted – small things become large and large ones become small, like a small boy on a large vegetable – belongs to this line.
        Also in this line are the “Faces”; groups of small pawns with faces on, into which he tries to distil his view of human funniness and absurdity. 
        The series “Out of the earth” -treasures like old bronzes and porcelains that come from the soil - is another of these. Here, while other artists would use a “pretty” stone to represent the treasure and make the soil rough and unattractive, Hema uses the dark part of Loyuan stone for the treasure, giving it a sinister and threatening look. 
        One of HeMa’s most interesting leitmotivs, not totally explored, is the presentation of people as (hollow?) actors using different masks for different situations. What is original is HeMa’s handling of the subject, different masks flying around and eventually getting wrapped around stones by the wind. It is a great set of works.
        HeMa and his wife Wang Sansan are involved in creating a style of simplified animals, a little Art Deco in looks, which is very charming. These days, when artists rarely put any thought into developing new decorative designs like new simplified ways to use natural subjects, it is refreshing to see what the two artists are doing.
        Last, do not forget HeMa’s depiction of traditional subjects of landscape, nature and story telling. They are lovely and often unusual. I especially like the small “Boy looking at the reflection of the Moon”, it shows the best qualities of a long line of Shoushan stone carving artists.
        Enough! Looking at the pictures in this book will be much more rewarding than reading introductions. Let the reader find out why I am so convinced that HeMa is among the most creative and talented of so many bright stars!

        Peter Hiller    
        The  professor&The former director of Brazil Sculpture Museum
Fuzhou   2006

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