


日期:2013-11-13 11:44:36 来源:

展览 >杜仲旅欧油画作品展12月于“徽文化艺术展示中心”举办







    Paris, evening in Paris, I feel sleepless. You can't blend in, but you have to experience. Buskers in Notre Dame de Paris square, portrait artists in Centre Georges Pompidou, fireworks on the Eiffel Tower at France's National Day night, rain of midnight in Paris, lovers by the river Seine, hobos near corridor of international art city, and feasting and revelry clubs and cafes, all these make up the rhythm of Paris night.

    Crowded, Paris is the city of the world's largest tourist destination, and tourists in Paris are even more than the local residents. Regardless skin colors, languages, delight or unhappiness, they are all included in the great vibrant revoke of this city. When there is no moon waxing, no season change, only if the sun rises, Paris begin to be stirred. The fire, the ice, the touch and the sorrow are all devoted by Paris. After those presentations of Pairs, she also brought us: culture and history, more than one hundred various types of museums, which frame the rich history of Paris. Paris is an inexhaustible modern art source, as long as you don't take colored glasses and eager to learn, this great city is always the best and the most sagacious teacher to you. I can’t forget the musician who touch the wonderful melody with dozens of glass, the pure winter snow in Paris, the soprano in the corner of subway, and the beautiful masterpieces in the Orsay museum… everything is unforgettable.



    South France

    Thousands of cruises in Nice harbor let me sense the strength of the rich area. The quiet Rhone River flows across Arles, and carries Van Gogh’s passion. I and Dongfang Gao walked along the Van Gogh’s footprint to search to feel. The black suspension bridge colored by the acid rain remains standing, and the rusting chain reveal that the sage had gone, so we pain and make silent tribute. We walked along the Arles and tour around, stop at the center of Van Gogh, worshiped Van Gogh’s poignant chairs and a small bed. We visit Avignon old palace, this 14th century building is a station of the Vatican for more than one hundred Years. We appreciated the lavender in Provence clay city, and the feeling was different from Paris weather in this south France summer.

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