


日期:2015-03-25 10:51:26 来源:

名家 >张若愚自述


  若愚 2010/9/24

  The ancient Greek sage Socrates debated contested intense with his friend Xipi Aspen on “what is beautiful " and no fruit. In panic, I feel that The beautiful things has always hide behind things and promote things that show the particularity. People can create things of beauty but you will never get rid of the universal significance of its own limitations from all kinds of particularity. Before the Beauty we are small, just like people need to crawl in the soil above the feelings of the vast earth.
  Instrumental rationality to people is do not trust the sensory experience. Which the art of aesthetic way, In form, we looking for ideas in a rational way. Form lost its meaning; texts explain the arts, watch lost its meaning. Art has gone through numerous aesthetic significance of the revolution, the artists have still not given up the ultimate value in the form, not explore of life in the concept.
  The good works of art often reflects the unique nature of their artistic language, the essence of sculpture art form and lighting. Without light and shade, A sculpture lost its meaning. It has become my artistic tenie and showing my works. I do not name my works by a doctrine or a genre, perhaps viewer can to appreciate the classical aesthetic or whatever it is from these works. In short these artistic images detached from reality, or a sort of supernatural construct my all, this is a state between reality with fantas, speaking the process of myself in shape and shadow. I believe that the develop of plastic arts and other kinds of arts, like a spiral development trend. Each leap is often accompanied by the risk of loss of its language, but do not consciously recall tradition, glow with vitality and a new starting point. This increase in power is the continuous progress of mankind for their self-examination and civilization.
  I just like a pilgrims of art and truth, to exchange for more experience in my life, they materialized in hard and immortal forms and materials, for courtship and life eternal.

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