
时间:2018-08-27 16:13:27 来源:高士畫廊

名家 >灰色調的魅力









曉起  Xiaoqi

1998, 120 x 150 cm

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas



心繫靶心之一  Eye of the Target I

2005, 180 x 170 cm

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas 



幽谷雪霁  Snow in Secluded Valley

2017, 90 x 130 cm

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas 



秋木远声  Distant Sounds in Autumn Woods

2013, 100 x 100 cm

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas



幽潭泛舟  Sailing on a Secluded Lake

2013, 90 x 120 cm

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas



桥影NO.1   Reflection of the Bridge No. 1

2017, 80 x 100 cm

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas



檐边秋意  Autumn by the Eaves

2013, 75 x 75 cm

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas



白桥NO.2  White Bridge No. 2

2017, 80 x 100 cm

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas 

The Charm of Gray-Tone

Tang Yue/ Vice-President of CFLAC of Anhui Province

I have a feeling that Guo Kai’s paintings have become increasingly gray-toned. 

I have not had the pleasure of knowing the Guo Kai of the last century, and have only a limited knowledge of his early works, such as works from Xiaoqi Village of Wuyuan County in 1993 and works created during his study at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in 1996. According Yin Shuangxi’s assessment, Guo Kai’s works at that time were heavy in the use of color, and somewhat restrained and overly rational. 

In terms of becoming increasingly gray-toned, it is in fact due to Guo Kai’s use of the color gray becoming executed with more control and freedom. The heavy use of color and restrained nature of Guo’s early works contrasts with the lightness and ease of his later works, but his use of color has never strictly followed the principles of Realism. For example, in Xiaoqi Village of 1993, the image is gray is tone, with a low sense of light and clarity, and filled with a quiet atmosphere. However, Guo Kai’s paintings have gone from a physical use of gray to a spiritual gray-tone expression. The use of gray-tone over an entire image creates a dreamlike and poetic quality, and is a matter of the Twenty-First Century for the artist.


The physical use of gray refers its use among a variety of colors, to illustrate the physical shape of an object. Furthermore, it is used in the contrast between light and dark. In terms of composition, it plays a role in the transition of colors, or in the contrast between cold and warm tones. This use of gray is still a technical matter. Although it has taken on a greater role than simply shading, it is nonetheless a pictorial device. The Guo Kai of the Twentieth Century was in period of exploration, not rigidly adhering to Realsim, but not yet breaking into the grounds of a personal Subjectivism. During this period, Guo’s use of gray was incomplete. On one hand, it enhanced the sense of personal style, as seen in Dawnof1993, while on the other hand, its purpose as a device for rendering shapes and objects was still clear, like his works during his time at CAFA. Since the Twenty-First Century, Guo Kai began pursing the essence of gray, and its intrinsic value. For him, the color became an artistic language bearing the artist’s spirit and emotions. On a visual level, the color gradually grew into an overall tone, which dictated the composition as a whole. As a result, Guo’s use of gray became a spiritual use of subjective expressionism.  


遠村如煙  Misty Remote Village

2018, 90 x 130 cm

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas 

Guo Kai’s early period of exploration with different colors is an indication of his search for direction. In terms of subject matter, Guo is already familiar with the historic buildings of southern Anhui Province. However, in representation, such as setting the color scheme, creating the emotional atmosphere, and choosing the mode of illustrating architecture, he displayed signs of uncertainty. Guo’s later decision and dedication to the gray-toned image is due to two reasons. Firstly, he had already developed a preference for the calm and composed nature of gray. In the Eye of the Target series, the background is largely set in gray, with a limited use of other colors, which symbolizes the mental composure and concentration of the archers when aiming at the target. However, the brighter treatment of colors on the figures seems to disconnect them from the gray background, in which a sense of compositional unity is lost. Secondly, and more importantly, after a period of exploration, Guo Kai has developed a deeper understanding of gray, especially the neutrality of the color. Existing between the extremes of black and white, gray reserves a certain degree of potential and uncertainty. Therefore, when Guo Kai faces the landscape of southern Anhui with personal thoughts and emotions, gray is the color of choice. Around 2010, Guo Kai’s style finally reached maturity. In Frosty Pines, Breezy Shadows, and Distant Sound of Pine, the surfaces of each painting appear to be covered in a sheet of gray. The overall tone is calm and composed, and allows the viewer to carefully search through the painting for old trees, distant mountains, and the villages nestled within. Although the image is with human figures, both the artist and viewer are invited into the painting, to converse with the natural scenery. 


遠嶺松聲  The Sound of Pine from a Distant Ridge

2014, 130 x 150 cm

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas 

I have not asked Guo Kai, if his art has been influenced by Giorgio Morandi (1894 - 1964), the Italian painter, who brilliantly mixes blue, orange, and beige into his gray compositions. Morandi led an ordinary and lonely life, and painted exclusively still life paintings of bottles. Because of his use of gray, Morandi’s still life paintings gave a sense of calmness, warmth, and comfort. Similarly, Guo Kai also mixes muted colors into his gray. Leaving behind the brightness and the distinctness of individual colors, Guo achieves harmonious distribution of colors within an overall spectrum of gray. Without strong colors to outline the contours of figures, the subjects within his paintings linger between figurative form and formless abstraction, as poetic allusions to the scenery in which they exist. Seemingly bland at first sight, the emotional depths of Guo Kai’s paintings are revealed subtly and quietly. In Distant Sounds in Autumn Woods, the tiles of the sloping roof of the building are hidden in a sea of gray, and are one with its natural surroundings. The bright autumn colors of the trees are diluted in the gray-tone, becoming pale greens and yellows. 


靜碧閒荷  Tranquil Lotus Bed

2013, 90 x 120 cm 

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas 

Guo Kai’s art expresses the philosophy and charm of the gray-tone, and has therefore been understood as a search for traditional Chinese aesthetics. Indeed, when gray-tone dominate an image, the value of light, the warmth of colors, the use of perspective, are no longer the most important elements in the composition, and the accurate rendering of physical shapes, in terms of figurative representation, is no longer the most determine factor in assessing an artwork. In the framework of traditional Chinese painting, the emotion conveyed is most valued. Many traditional Chinese painting motifs can be found in Guo Kai’s paintings, in which they hold the same symbolism as in the traditional canon. Therefore in appreciating his art, a traditional approach is not without merit. In Sailing on a Secluded Lake, a small boat is depicted on a lake, which is reminiscent of the traditional motif of a fisherman, which symbolizes reclusion and freedom from the mundane nature of daily life. Although the boat is present, the presence of the fisherman is only implied. The boat itself is without action or movement, completely still inside the painting. In Tranquil Lotus Bed, also set in gray-tone, the subject is a lotus pound in front of a rural village. The limited use of colors on the withered lotus brings to mind the famous ink renditions of lotus by Bada Shanren (1626 - 1705), in which different tonalities of ink and wash fully and vividly render the elegant shape of the leaves. 


宅構  Homestead

2007, 80 x 100 cm

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas

Gray monochrome itself is a contradiction, in the sense that, on one hand, the neutrality of the color is full of visual potential and leaves room to the imagination, while on the other hand; the bland and monotonous nature of the color truly demands the talent of the artist. Firstly, Guo Kai is concerned with the surface texture of the painting, and has long explored the various applications of texture. His goal is to create sculptural qualities to his painted canvas, while avoiding smearing excess paint in a crude fashion. A close inspection of Early Morning Mist and Distant Mountain reveals faint sculptural patterns in the gray paint, in which the movements of the brush can be detected. Guo Kai has described his practice of “making a light base with turpentine, and mixing with saponified wax, color pigment, and molding paste for the paint. In certain parts, the painter’s knife sculpts the applied paint before it has completely dried.” 


漫枝悄然  Blooming Branches

2013, 90 x 120 cm 

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas 

Since 2013, Guo Kai’s use of colors when through another change. While gray dominates the overall composition, his other colors are less diluted by gray and have retained their brightness and individuality. In Blooming Branches, the background is largely set in a bluish-gray, but it does not conflict with the crisscrossing black and white branches of the foreground, instead it reinforces the vitality of the branches. In Autumn by the Eaves, the autumn colors of red and yellow are not submerged within the gray, but instead stand out to the viewer, strongly signifying the mood of the season. Also in Autumn Mist, even in rainy and misty autumn weather, brightly colored leaves pierce through the fog, full of life. In his representative works form last year, the textures have taken a more sculptural quality and the complimentary colors have become brighter and more distinct, thereby bringing his paintings into a more advanced application and appreciation of the gray-tone. In Autumn Estate and White Bridge No. 2, the brighter colors have taken on a more abstract quality in the image, seemingly floating above the gray composition with a sense of excitement and movement.


秋宅  Autumn Estate

2016, 30 x 40 cm x 2

油彩布面  Oil on Canvas 

Taking the use of gray-tone as an approach, Guo Kai’s art is analyzed from two stages, from a pictorial use of the color to a more spiritual use, and also from an early period of exploration to a mature and developed style. Where Guo Kai will take this use of gray, in terms of the colors neutrality and expressiveness, is worth considering and waiting for. 


郭 凱 - 清風遠逸


GUO KAI - Faraway Breeze

Solo Exhibition at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

展覽日期  Date: 2018.9.15 - 24

開幕時間  Reception: 2018.9.15  週六 Sat  3:00 pm 

開放時間  Hours: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm 

展出地點  Venue: 國父紀念館 文華軒(二樓川堂) 

- 台北市信義區仁愛路四段五零五號  

Wenhua Gallery, 2F, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall 

- No 505, Sec 4, Renai Rd, Xinyi Dist, Taipei

编辑: 唐晓星
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