Eyes on the future Prose poetry series May6.2019.Monday Shan  peng(山鹏) No13.Earthy language

日期:2019-05-08 15:08:14 来源:卓克艺术网

资讯 >Eyes on the future Prose poetry series May6.2019.Monday Shan  peng(山鹏) No13.Earthy language



 Write full earthy language, in the collision of struggle and adversity,listen to the reasons for living。Laugh at the shame of passing,and intercepted a beam of sunlight in his hand,an unyielding soul fixed in the depths of the mountains, lit countless spring and autumn expectations。

 Always head against the wind,the pain and bruises are often carried on the shoulders of the dawn。Gazing at the flowers and birds in the distance,but an unspeakable compassion is? shaking,moaning with the stream,leaving ripples of sorrow。Raise my head into the land of the vicissitudes of time,but found that half is confused, half is hope。

编辑: 唐晓星
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