Eyes on the future Prose poetry series May10.2019.Friday Shan  peng(山鹏) No18.The elegant tea

日期:2019-05-10 11:34:18 来源:卓克艺术网

资讯 >Eyes on the future Prose poetry series May10.2019.Friday Shan  peng(山鹏) No18.The elegant tea

泡一壶清茶,让思绪伴随着清晨的阳光飞扬。品茗焚香读书,也是人生的一大享受。面对萦绕着 的淡蓝色的缕缕轻烟,感受着视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉的美妙,不以乐乎兮?


Make a pot of elegant tea,let my thoughts fly with the sunshine in the morning。 It is also a great enjoyment of life,that? to drink tea, burn incense and read books。Facing the lingering light blue wisps of smoke,Feeling the beauty of sight, hearing, smell and taste,is it not happy?

Yes, in the hustle and bustle of the world,to be able to sit down and have a good cup of tea,to scent and listen to music,to intone and splash,keeping an indifferent mind,perhaps it is the most commendable。

编辑: 唐晓星
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