Eyes on the future Prose poetry series May13.2019.Monday Shan  peng(山鹏) No21.My own field

日期:2019-05-13 09:54:20 来源:卓克艺术网

资讯 >Eyes on the future Prose poetry series May13.2019.Monday Shan  peng(山鹏) No21.My own field



Lying in my own field,no longer let out the memory of the past,let the soul into the future reverie。The breeze blows gently,quietly flickering through the morning clouds,on the plain,twinkling with the change of seasons and the rotation of the sun and moon。

The meditations and reflection that come from the depths of the soul, it always seems a little careless,but,after the negation of negation,the will is extremely firm。Whereupon,spread out a spotlessly white,take along a warm and flowing color,let life be full of poetic conception。

编辑: 唐晓星
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