『DU.现实镜像』解危 - 视觉的窄门 The kissing gate of vision

日期:2024-01-08 11:09:37 来源:Du laboratory

名家 >『DU.现实镜像』解危 - 视觉的窄门 The kissing gate of vision











Xie Wei

Shenyang, Liaoning province

In 1985, he graduated from the Normal Department of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts

In 2003, he studied in the graduate class of oil Painting Department of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts

A Member of the Chinese Artists Association

A Member of the Chinese Oil Painting Society

Worked in the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts

Served as the principal of the Affiliated High School

Secretary-general of the Oil Painting Art Committee of Liaoning Provincial Artists Association

Without exception, almost all artists who have flexible ideas like to use visual symbols with Chinese characteristics. Whether historical, realistic, folk or modern,they all apply political and cultural pop. Every special event, They are both phenomena and raw materials, the views of the Japanese critic Joseph Chiba can serve as a reference. He noted that, The important principle of avant-garde art is starting from the fundamental problem of reality; On the other hand, as an avant-garde artist, he must turn the cultural problems into very specific artistic problems, and to be successfully resolved. If " Chinese Pop reasonably exists geographically, Then it certainly includes an effort to deal with the current situation of China. Explaining that contemporary art is a game shuffling of society, history, culture and vision, it has no meaning of its own, so it involves two reference coefficient criteria for measuring art: First, whether this language has a special visual impact, appeal. Second, Whether this language profoundly reveals the humanity and social issues and cultural issues that the creator wants to show. In addition to the picture, Xie Wei also tries to explain the human problems and life problems. Observing the painting to recognize the person, the painting style can reflect the painter's thought and personality. Jie Wei's painting style is not limited to a specific art form, with different styles and leaping styles, full of aura. From the changes of his painting style in these stages, we can vaguely feel that Mr.Jie Wei's increasingly strict requirements on paintings, and he is looking for his own diversified styles in the exploration of art.
Xie Wei is a perceptual and dedicated person. He does not deliberately have an artist temperament, but pursues the original self and treats life sincerely. Whenever we meet or get together, his humor will drive the atmosphere, just like his painting style, just right fresh and diverse. His cheerful and free and easy personality and his love for sports have changed the definition of artist image of most people. In his opinion, the persistence and love for art is the understanding of life, and this understanding just creates his daily gratitude mentality and reverence for life.

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解危 展览现场

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“第三日”系列 布面油画综合

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“第三日”系列 布面油画综合

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“第三日”系列 布面油画综合

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“第三日”系列 布面油画综合

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“第三日”系列 布面油画综合

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“第三日”系列 布面油画综合

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“飞得过文明 飞不过山水”系列 布面油画综合

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“飞得过文明 飞不过山水”系列 布面油画综合

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“飞得过文明 飞不过山水”系列 布面油画综合

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“飞得过文明 飞不过山水”系列 布面油画综合

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“飞得过文明 飞不过山水”系列 布面油画综合

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“飞得过文明 飞不过山水”系列 布面油画综合

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